





Aw man

So we back in the mine

Swinging our pickaxe from side to side

Side-side to side

This task a grueling one

I'm hoping to find some diamonds tonight tonight tonight

Diamonds tonight

Heads up

You hear a sudden noise and instinctively turn around to look upwards.

Total shock fills your body

Oh no it's you again

I will never be able to forget those eyes eyes eyes

Eyes eye eyes

'Cause baby tonight

Someone is attempting to steal our belongings again, the intruder is a problem.

'Cause baby tonight

You grab your pick, shovel, and head out once more.

Bolt again-gain

Keep running until the task is completed.

Until the sun rises in the morning

'Cause baby tonight

The creeper is attempting to take our belongings once more.

Stuff again-gain

Just when you believe you are out of danger

Hearing a hissing sound coming from directly behind me.

Right right behind

That's a nice life you have

It's a shame it has to come to an end at this time.

Time time time time

Blows up

When your health bar decreases, you can activate a one-up.

Get inside don't be tardy

So now you're stuck in there

Half of a heart remains, but don't give up, up, up.

Die die die

'Cause baby tonight

The creeper is attempting to take our belongings once more.

'Cause baby tonight

You grab your pickaxe and rush off once more.

Bolt again-gain

Keep going and running until the task is complete.

Until the sun rises in the morning

'Cause baby tonight

The creeper is attempting to take our belongings once more.

Creepers you're mine haha

Mine for diamonds and use them to create valuable items.

Can you help me find some armor?

Go ahead and create that like the professional MLG player that you are.

Come at me, bro, the sword's made of diamonds.

Practicing in your room under the torchlight

Refine your form to prepare yourself for the upcoming challenge.

Every day and night without exception

Creeper's out prowlin' hoo alright

Look at me look at you

I will seek vengeance, that's what I plan to do.

I'm a fierce little warrior, what's new with you?

I'm ready to tear through you with my blade. Bring it on!

'Cause baby tonight

The creeper is attempting to take our belongings once more.

Let's gather our things and take on the world!

Yeah baby tonight haha

Get your sword and armor ready, it's time to go!

Wreak your vengeance woo oh oh oh oh

Keep fighting as if tonight is the last night.

Show them your strength and determination in life.

'Cause baby tonight

Someone is attempting to steal our belongings once more.

'Cause baby tonight

You grab your pick and shovel, getting ready once again.

Bolt again-gain woo

Keep on running until the task is completed.

Until morning comes and the sun rises

'Cause baby tonight

Swing your sword up high, let's go!

The intruder is attempting to steal our belongings once more.

Go ahead and thrust your sword downward.



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